Port Victoria, Busia, Kenya.

P.O. BOX 104 - 50410 Port Victoria, Busia, Kenya.

+254 (0) 758 850 414

About BTVC

Who we are

Bunyala Technical and Vocational College is a national public tertiary institution under the Ministry of Education. It operates under the Education Act Cap 211 Laws of Kenya. The Institute’s operations are also carried out in accordance with the Government policies and procedures as spelt out in official documents and circulars. It operates under the management of a Board of Governors (BOG) appointed by the Minister in charge of the Ministry of Education. The Principal is the institute’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and the secretary to the BOG.

As a Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) institution, Bunyala TVC offer various certificate, diploma and craftsmanship training to students in Kenya. The beauty of TVET training institutions is that they offer flexible entry and fee requirements to students wishing to study in these institutes. TVETs are registered, accredited and regulated by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA); which is a public corporate agency established under the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Act No. 29 of 2013 to regulate and coordinate training in the country through licensing, registration and accreditation of programs, institutions and trainers. Section 7 of the Act, 2013 gives the powers and functions of the Authority to regulate and coordinate training; inspect, license and register and accredit training institutions; accredit and inspect programmes and courses; promote access and relevance of training programmes; determine the national technical and vocational training objectives; assure quality and relevance in programmes of training among other functions.


Provision of a supportive environment suitable for innovation, holistic development, and nurturing of technology and entrepreneurial skills.


To provide training opportunities for innovation and transfer of relevant skills in technology and entrepreneurship.

Our Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Transparency
  • Innovativeness
  • Impartiality
  • Professionalism
  • Sustainability
  • Team work

Our Quality Statement

We are committed to providing quality Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) that is innovative, competency-oriented, and research-based that shall consistently meet and exceed its customer requirements and expectations. The top management is committed to providing resources to achieve the college's objectives through continual improvement of the quality management system by complying with our standards and other applicable requirements. The top management shall ensure that established quality objectives and this quality policy are suitable and sustainable through annual review.

Our History

Bunyala Technical and Vocational college was established in October 2017 and officially started its operations in January 2018. It is located in Busia county, Bunyala sub-county, Budalangi location, Budalangi sub-location, Budebu village. The college lies along the following GPS coordinates; latitude, longitude (0.1438802, 34.044824, 15z). It sits on a five (5) acre piece of land parcel no Bunyala Bulemia/4248.

Principal, Teachers, KCB foundation officials and students


Establishment of Bunyala TVC

The institution is the result of the government initiative to establish at least one Technical and Vocational College in every constituency. Bunyala TVC is a Public Technical, Vocational Education, and Training (TVET) institution established and registered by the TVET Authority (reg. no. TVETA/PUBLIC/RS/0057/2017) in October 2017. The college was among the first 60 TVET institutions to be built under the initiative. The college officially started its operations in January 2018. The first 55 trainees were admitted in May 2018. The number grew to a reasonable 279 by the end of the year.



The mandate of BTVC encompasses the following:

i). Training and developing middle-level manpower for national development;

ii). Advancing, transmitting, and enhancing technical and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills for self-employment and the national production system;

iii). Offering courses leading to the award of up to diploma certificates in TVET programs in collaboration with other tertiary Institutions.


Philosophical Statement

The college focuses on developing minds to gain innovative skills suitable for the current challenging world of work. Bunyala TVC believes in excellency. Our main target is to help trainees acquire the requisite technical, science, and business skills to help bridge the gap that exists in middle-level manpower in the industry.

Strategic Direction

The Strategic Plan 2021 2025 recognizes the legal framework and government policy. This plan is well aligned with Kenya's Vision 2030, Sustainable Development Goals, and the TVET Act (2013). It highlights potential opportunities and challenges related to resources and operations.